STOP THE BLEED ® Certification Course
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
(6:00 PM – 7:30 PM)
“STOP THE BLEED ® Life Saving Bleed Control Skills”
Active Violence Solutions
16631 Burke Ln (building says Zee Medical on the side)
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Prerequisites: None
Fitness Level: We will be doing some practical hands-on skills such as applying tourniquets and wound compresses. We encourage everyone to participate with the hands-on demonstrations as they are able, but there is no specific fitness level required to perform these skills.
Goals: The American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the ACS Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) endorse and have set the standard for the nationwide STOP THE BLEED® campaign. Over 1,000,000 people have been trained through the program which has helped save countless lives. Significant bleeding incidents can occur anywhere and at anytime in everyday life (traffic collisions, industrial accidents, slips and falls, in the aftermath of natural disasters, and as the result of deliberate violence from gunshot, knife, and other wounds). Knowing how to stop critical blood loss is imperative when seconds count. This class will cover the official curriculum set forth by the StoptheBleed.org program. The skills of tourniquet use, wound packing, and direct pressure will be practiced. Discussion of when and where to apply each technique will be covered. Various first aid supplies and recommendations will also be demonstrated. For those who would like an official certificate of completion, those can be emailed to you electronically after the course.
This class is open to the general public for those in Southern California. As many of our classes pertain specifically to topics related to firearms training and use, this curriculum will be more general. While we will discuss some tactical considerations when responding to emergencies, the information in this course can be applied by any layperson without any prior experience. The cost of $20 goes to help offset the expense of class supplies. You must preregister below because class size is limited and we cannot accept registrations at the door.
Cost: $20
Max Class Size: 20 (sign-up below)